How to Buy the Right Mattress for Sleeping Comfort

luxury bed sheets
When you think that decorating your bedroom to be an ultimate haven for comfort and rest is enough, you might be missing a very important detail. Furniture play a vital role in ensuring that your room is functional—chairs, armoires, dressers, chests, bed, mattresses, etc.—are essentials that you have to choose wisely to match your taste and preferences.

Different furniture provides you with different functions; however, it is the mattresses that seem to be overwhelming to choose. Sleeping with the wrong mattress can bring adverse effects to your health, particularly in your back. Lower back pain is one of the most common problems brought about by wrong mattress as it can strain muscles, reinforce poor sleeping posture, and can contribute to unhealthy spine alignment.

A Zen-inspired or contemporary bedroom can truly offer a relaxing ambience, but its benefits will not be complete without a good mattress to lie upon. With various choices available in the market, shopping for the right mattress can be a little confusing. We would like to share a guide on mattress selection for a rejuvenating sleep.

circular bedroom mattress

Determine your needs.

king gel mattress
Like people have their own preferences, mattress come in all sizes, features, and shapes. If currently, your mattress gives you a problem with sleeping and waking you up with body pain, it is probably the right time to purchase a new one. Any mattress that helps an individual sleep without pain is the right type of mattress for that person. If you got a serious back problem, you better consult your physiotherapist for medical assistance.

Research your options.

king bedroom mattress
Before you go to your favorite furniture store, it will greatly help if you will research on options according to your budget and personal need. Mattress buying is a personal thing so ensure that it perfectly suits you, but do not forget that it also should complement your bedroom interior.

Find a reliable furniture store.

Sleep specialty shops, department stores, and furniture stores whether local or online all sell mattresses. You might already have a brand in mind, but if you don’t, look for a shop that offers good service. A store with knowledgeable sales personnel can provide you tips and information on great bedding choices. Ask questions and seek detailed explanations if necessary. Understanding the physical components of the mattress is very important in this instance.

Test the mattress.

sleep graphics
When shopping in store, try the mattress using the S.L.E.E.P test. The graphic below from the Better Sleep Council explains the process:

Compare before buying.

You can find good deals in stores, but do not rush in buying. If you wanted to save your budget, vary your sources. Same brand and type (ex. an aico bedroom furniture) might differ in price in other retail outlets. Quality mattresses lasts, so better choose wisely to prevent spending again for a new one when the mattress you just bought is already starting to sag. Comparing brands and prices can take you quite a time, but the savings you will get will be all worth it.

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